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The AME Church Preacher's Kid (PK) Scholarship Application



Print and review the Application (Page 1) and the Instructions (Pages 2 and 3).  When submitting completed application, make sure you included all the required documents.  (It is recommended but not required that your Episcopal District Scholarship Committee Representative screen the application packet prior to submission).


Scholarship Application 1-13


Scholarship Application 14-20


The annual AME Preacher's Kid Scholarship and Book Awards will be awarded to a dependent child under the age of 21.  The parent, legal guardian or the PK must be a member in good standing of Conn-M-SWAWO+PK’s for a minimum of one (1) year prior to applying.  

 The following awards will be presented in 2022:  (1) $2,500.00 Scholarship, (2) $1,250 Scholarships and (4) $500.00  Book Awards (Districts 1-13).



  • Parent or Legal Guardian or Preacher's Kid (PK) is a member of CONN-M-SWAWO.Plus PK's for a minimum of one (1) year prior to application.

  • The District in which applicant resides must be financially supportive of the CONN-M-SWAWO Plus PK's Annual Fundraiser (First Lady/First Gentleman Contest).

  • Completed application (see application procedures) must be postmarked by April 15.

  • The Scholarship will be awarded each year to a deserving freshman who is a member of the AME Church.  Recipients will be notified by the Scholarship Chairperson by June 1.

  • Recipient must submit the name and address of the institution he/she plans to attend and proof of acceptance by June 8.

  • The check will be made payable to the student upon receipt of proof of acceptance. Once documentation has been received, the award will be presented to the student at the Annual Clergy Family Awards Breakfast in June at the seat of the Bishop's Council (or) at the seat of the General Conference.  If the student is not in attendance, award will be mailed.

  • If the student withdraws or fails to enroll, the funds must be returned to the Scholarship Committee Chairperson.



Eligibility Requirements are different for Districts 1-13 and Districts 14-20.  Please make sure that you print out the appropriate PDF form with application/instructions for the respective Episcopal District you are applying from.  Click on the link below to print the Application, Instructions, Procedures and Eligibility Requirements for your respective Episcopal District:




  • Application for the Preachers' Kids Scholarship must be postmarked by April 15th,

  • Submit three (3) letters of recommendation - one each from the following:- A Guidance Counselor,- A Teacher or School Official,- An AME Pastor or Church Officer.

  • Submit an official copy of your High School Transcript, GPA, Class Rank, SAT or ACT Scores, or National Test and Rank,

  • Submit a letter stating why you should be awarded this scholarship,  List any extenuating circumstances.

  • Submit a 300 - 350 word typed (double spaced) essay on "How the AME. Church has made a difference in my life and what I will do to support my Church".

  • List the following on separate sheet(s).  Please include your name and address on each sheet.- Your Church Activities/Organizations- Your High School Organizations and Extra-curricular Activities- Any Honors/Achievements/Recognitions Received

  • Application must be signed by the Presiding Bishop or Episcopal Supervisor and the Episcopal District M-SWAWO President where the applicant resides.



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