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Ambe Kai Comeaux

Connectional T-Shirt Design Winner

6th District



Ambe is the daughter of Rev. Joseph W. Comeaux (Marietta Chapel AME Church, Senior Pastor) and Mrs. Wilda M. Comeaux (Atlanta North GA Conference Ministers' Spouses, Widows and Widowers Organization, Plus P.K.'S, Treasurer). 


She is an active P.K in the Sixth Episcopal District, former local YPD President for Marietta Chapel AME Church and former YPD President Atlanta North Area.


She is a senior, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies degree at Faulkner University in Montgomery, AL, and plans to obtain Masters in Business Administration. She is a senior leader on the Women's Soccer team. Ambe has completed two summer Internships with Voya Financial (formerly ING) as CAS, IT Audit Intern, ING with the ING US Corporate Audit Services. 


Ambe is in fellowship with Murdock AME Church, Pine Road, AL, where she is active in Choir and YPD. She is a Mentor at Alabama Christian Academy and volunteers with Atlanta Food Bank, American Cancer Society Relay for Life, March of  Dimes  March for Babies, Prison Fellowship Angel Tree, Toys for Tots and community service agencies.

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